Become a member of a cannabis club!
In the section “Guide of Social Cannabis Clubs Barcelona for Tourists” you can find lots of interesting information. When you are looking for a Coffee Shop in Barcelona you can find anything. You could be rejected at the entrance of the club in the 90% of the cases, or even worse, you could end up in the hands of a fake promoter in the centre who will try to sell you any junk without any controls.
From now on, with Weedjam you won’t face any of these problems as you will have the chance to join one of the best Cannabis Clubs for tourists in Barcelona from the start. Do not hesitate to get in touch with us through Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.
We advise you to follow these brief suggestions to save you from some problems. If you need help please contact us.

What is a Cannabis Club?
A Cannabis Club is a venue where the consumption of Cannabis is legal. They are great and interesting places thriving with like-minded and friendly people who share a common interest. Sitting back and relaxing in a Cannabis Club a very popular way to spend time in the city of Barcelona. Whether you’ve seen all the sights and are looking for something else to enjoy or you simply feel like indulging, Cannabis Clubs are a fantastic option. We must remind you that is illegal to consume Cannabis in public, however in private Cannabis Clubs it is permitted. Unfortunately it is sometimes hard to gain access to the Clubs due to the exclusive nature of the industry. There are also a few organisations/fake street promoters.
What do we do here?
Cannabis Clubs are quite hard to get into. Here at WBCN we can put you in contact with every legitimate Cannabis Club in and around Barcelona. Apply through our website with the correct credentials and you’ll be accepted into your desired Cannabis Club.

What do I do if I’m a tourist?
You will need to provide a Spanish Address in order to be accepted into a Cannabis Club. Fear not, it won’t be relayed back to you and you may provide any Spanish address even if you’re not residing there. It’s simply to meet the requirements of the club’s policies.
How do I request an invitation?
Simply click on the Club you’d like to become a member of and fill out the relevant form in order to request an invitation.

What will I need and how much does it cost?
You will need a valid form of visual ID, and a valid Email address. That is all. The membership fee for Cannabis Clubs starts from 20€. This will be the cost for an annual membership leaving plenty of opportunity to try a wide range of different types of Cannabis. A great deal right?!
How do I avoid trouble?
Cannabis in public isn’t legal. For this reason we strongly advise you only take Cannabis within the grounds of the Cannabis Club. However if you do get caught red eyed and handed there are few guidelines to live by. If the Police catch you in possession of weed you may remain silent. You are not obliged to sign anything they ask you to. Instead we recommend you remain calm and polite and let them continue with their work. Informing the authorities that you purchased Cannabis from one of the clubs in Barcelona will only create more trouble. This places you in the crime of Drug Trafficking, a crime punishable through prison time. Also, if you do agree to sign any document they ask you to, you may place yourself in a more difficult situation. Particularly if you’re a tourist. If you receive a fine, then of course you may pay it back. If you are visiting from another country though, the fine will not follow you and you will not be stopped at the airport. Don’t worry!

Know your limits
There are a wide array of different types of weed. Whether you’re a connoisseur or simply trying it for the first time, know your limits. Consuming Cannabis responsibly will result in a great time with friends, family and even strangers. However if you overindulge you may face expulsion of the Cannabis Clubs and will also feel quite ill for some time! Consume Cannabis responsibly and just as importantly, enjoy yourself!