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The cultivation of cannabis for self-production has been decriminalized: no more than four plants at home

The Judicial Committee of the Chamber examined the drafting of the text on the self-production of cannabis in Italy within private properties, splitting the majority in two. The rapporteur of this provision, president of the Five Star Movement, Mario Perantoni. The latter declares that he is very satisfied with this important result. All this thanks to the ability of the parliamentary groups to have found, through a reasonable comparison, points of agreement:

  • Reduce sanctions for minor incidents.
  • Sanctions increase from six to ten years.
  • Penalties for crimes related to drug dealing.
  • Trafficking and possession with clear intent to deal with cannabis.

Against the centre-right Fratelli d’Italia, Forza Italia, Coraggio Italia and the Lega are united, with the exception of Italia viva which abstained. From the radical Riccardo Magi (supporter of one of the proposals included in the basic text) to the Five Star movement, the Leu democratic party. A deadline must be set for the amendments to be presented, after the vote on the basic text. You will be able to appear in court only after this procedural process has been completed.

The Lega says NO to self-production of cannabis: approving the text is the prelude to legalization.

The Lega Nord member Matteo Salvini’s controversy regarding the self-production of cannabis was immediate. According to him, if the focus of the opposition to the government falls on issues of this type, Italy is moving in the wrong direction. The league presents itself in a stoic and immovable manner for what appears to represent a clear prelude to Legalization. The proposals presented by the Northern League and Roberto Turri have for the moment gone unheeded but the entire movement remains firmly convinced that those who sell drugs sell death.

The proposed law, articles:

  • Adults are permitted to cultivate and possess for personal use no more than four female cannabis plants.
  • The penalties relating to trafficking, possession and dealing of large quantities of cannabis have been increased, providing for “imprisonment from 8 to 20 years” and a fine “from 30 thousand to 300 thousand euros”.
  • They would lead to imprisonment of up to one year for crimes related to cannabis and 2 for those related to other substances.
  • Furthermore, “public works” are introduced as alternative measures to detention, for a maximum of two times after which arrest would still be triggered.

Hemp in the world.

After over seventy years of demonization, the United Nations Commission on Narcotic Drugs has removed it from the list of the most dangerous substances. 2020 was a historic year for hemp, with more and more countries around the world decriminalizing, liberalizing and even completely legalizing the use of hemp at multiple levels. These measures are fundamental to steal billions of euros from the illegal market.

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