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Marijuana: the cure for the liver

It has already been scientifically proven that cannabis is a significantly less harmful substance than alcohol. Marijuana protects the liver from alcohol damage.

Today a new scientific study explains how the use of marijuana can protect against liver diseases caused by alcohol abuse such as fatty liver (hepatic steatosis) and liver cirrhosis.

The discovery comes from a working group of scientists from several research institutes in the United States, published in the prestigious journal Liver International. Scientists analyzed data from over 319,000 adults who had a history of alcohol abuse. After dividing people into three groups:

  • Who didn’t use cannabis.
  • Who used it occasionally.
  • And who uses it regularly.

the researchers explain that: «The risk of developing all alcoholic liver disease in patients, who also used cannabis, was significantly lower than in non-cannabis users». The risk of developing fatty liver was reduced by 45% and the risk of developing alcoholic liver cirrhosis was reduced by 55%.

Marijuana also effective against non-alcoholic liver diseases

According to studies by the American College of Gastroenterology, the use of marijuana appears to benefit the liver of obese patients. In fact, there is a correlation between cannabis consumption and the decrease in the progression of non-alcoholic stethohepatitis (NASH). Cannabis has anti-inflammatory and hepatoprotective properties that could lessen the severity of the disease and prevent it from progressing to stages that are dangerous for the patient.

These studies have analyzed the hepatoprotective properties of the plant and how these can influence the manifestation of non-alcoholic stetheopathy. With the aim of determining how cannabis use influences the prevalence and progression of NASH in obese subjects. They thus divided the patients between marijuana users, arriving at the following conclusions:

Compared to those who did not use cannabis, 14,236 patients (1.6%) who used cannabis had less steatohepatitis (0.4% versus 0.7%) and cirrhosis (1.1% versus 1.5%).

According to the results of the study, there is actually a link between the reduced progression of steteohepatitis and the use of cannabis, explained by its anti-inflammatory and hepatoprotective effect.



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