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Reopening cannabis club Barcelona

The reopening of the Cannabis club has finally brought some relief to those who were regular marijuana users who found themselves in difficulty during the lock-down.

The emergency which in Spain led to the suspension of all non-essential activities also overwhelmed social clubs, generating great inconvenience. Those who were regular consumers found themselves unable to obtain supplies. We are not just talking about cannabis for recreational use, but also cannabis for therapeutic use. Those who used it medically suddenly found themselves unable to access the therapy. In fact, Spain, in a mid-March decree, decreed a state of alarm, suspending all activities that were not considered essential. The activity of social clubs, unlike tobacconists, was not considered essential and they were assimilated to bars and restaurants. We want to overlook the choice, widely shared in Europe, to consider the sale of tobacco essential but not marijuana for therapeutic use. However, we must draw attention to the great inconvenience that this choice has generated in vulnerable sections of the population.

The reopening of the cannabis club finally puts an end to this phase of discomfort.

A sudden closure and the difficulty of finding it

When the Spanish government decreed a national state of emergency on March 14, 2020, it was a cold shower for the population. The Spaniards, although they had seen how the situation was progressing, first in China and then in Italy, were not prepared for such an initiative. Few had managed to stock up on cannabis and the difficulties were tangible.

Unlike tobacco, in fact. Cannabis has not been included among the essential things and obtaining it has become extremely complicated. There were essentially two alternatives available:

  • Home cultivation
  • Black market

Both are difficult to implement. Home cultivation, in fact, although it was the safest solution, was not practicable for those who did not already have plants or seeds. Even for those in possession of seeds, it turned out to be a solution with too long-term results. Turning to the black market, however, was even more difficult due to the very strict rules that prevented leaving the house. The rule that regulated trips to carry out essential functions did not include, as we said, the purchase of cannabis!

The reopening of the cannabis club has finally given a sigh of relief to all regular marijuana consumers.

Safety rules and social distancing

The reopening of cannabis clubs in Barcelona takes place under the strictest social distancing rules to guarantee the safety of patrons and club employees. Entry by appointment, limited access, sanitization of the premises are just some of the initiatives taken by the various clubs in the city. Staying inside the clubs is limited to a few people at a time and for a maximum time, defined by the individual clubs. Access by appointment, with strict timetables, ensures that users do not gather in compliance with the safety regulations established by the government.

Users will then have to bring all their smoking devices with them and will have to wear gloves.

These are necessary rules, similar to those adopted in all commercial establishments, which must be respected in order to benefit from the advantages of access to the clubs.

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